Anti-age for the modern age.
Don’t look old before your time. Instead, chose a facial aesthetic treatment that gives subtle yet long-lasting results. Find out more about Sculptra aesthetic- available exclusively at Rejuvadent.
Sculptra aesthetic is a facial injectable that is administered in several injections over a few months. It contains a synthetic material called poly-L- lactic acid which replaces the lost collagen in your face helping to restore a youthful and smoother appearance.
Unlike other facial aesthetic treatments which give instant results, the initial effects of Sculptra are subtle and gradual yet can often last much longer. In fact, results can last for up to two years in some patients.
This is because Sculptra gradually corrects your facial wrinkles over time. It works deep within the dermis layer of the skin to help re-enforce the structure, restore fullness and help replace collagen that has been lost over time.
As it requires less follow up treatment, this makes it a highly cost effective choice for many.
Which parts of my face can Sculptra be used?
Sculptra aesthetic can significantly help to improve the look of mild to deep wrinkles and folds around the mouth and nose including smile lines, marionette lines and chin wrinkles.
It is ideal for those who seek a subtle yet noticeable transformation which will also target the underlying cause of the signs of facial ageing.
Is Scupltra Aesthetic safe?
Sculptra aesthetic contains only biocompatible, biodegradable synthetic materials making it highly safe. It has been used worldwide for almost 20 years. Poly-L-lactic acid is the same material used regularly in dissolvable stitches. Over time it is naturally absorbed into the body causing no ill-effects.
Immediately following your procedure, you may notice a little soreness or redness at the site of injection. This is perfectly normal and should improve quickly.
Otherwise, treatment is comfortable, convenient and quick and you are able to carry on your day as normal following your appointment.
We offer the following treatments at our practice
We offer friendly and professional dentistry to all of our patients in Grimsby. Click here for a full list of private treatments we offer.